12월 9일 발표된 스타크래프트 최신맵핵입니다.
Released: December 7th, 2009
F5 Toggle lag defender on/off.
(Removes lag box screen)
F6 Toggle auto command
repeat. (/fr command for faster repeat)
F7 Carry
out last build command on selected worker. (Useful for UMS)
F8 Add/Remove unit for auto queue/upgrade.
Ctrl + F8 Remove all units for
auto queue/upgrade.
F9 Toggle global auto queue
Ctrl + F9
Toggle global auto upgrade on/off.
Ctrl + F10 Toggle subunit auto queue on/off. (Carriers &
F12 Toggle five-state stat hack
Ctrl + F12
Toggle five-state stat hack backwards.
~ / Alt Select all units of the same type that are currently
selected. (Excludes workers)
Ctrl + ~ / Alt Same as above but is used for workers and loaded
Delete Toggle in-game
message log.
Ctrl + Delete Change page for message log.
Pause Pause/Resume game.
Insert Toggle three-state maphack forwards.
Ctrl + Insert Toggle
three-state maphack backwards.
Ctrl + LMC (Left Mouse Click on "Idle" text) Select idle
Shift Hold key when building to keep
cursor set and ready to go again.
/kill Kill selected workers.
/load Load selected units into
/m Display how much workers
each player has mining minerals.
/s Display the
stack count of current selected. (How many stacked minerals, I
- In-Game + Lobby
[num] Set maphack state. (1=off, 2=lite, 3=full)
/tclicks Toggle maphack target clicks on/off. (Default
/reveal Toggle reveal invisible on/off.
(Default on)
/sh Toggle selection hack
/fr Toggle faster repeat on/off.
/apm Toggle show APM counter on/off.
/automine Toggle worker auto mine on/off.
/autogas Toggle auto mine gas on/off.
/nukealert Toggle nuclear missile alert on/off.
/autounally Toggle auto unally on/off. (Default
/list Show a list of players. (Player id -
Race | Slot id - IP)
- Lobby
[id] [id] Swap one player with another. (Must be game host)
/ff Toggle friend follow
/ff [name] Enable friend follow and
follow target player.
/profile [name] View a
players profile.
/spoof [name] Spoof a custom
name. (Supports color)
/spoof [num] Spoof a saved
name from list. (1 to 5)
/sn [num] Save spoof
name to list. (1 to 5)
/dn [num] Delete spoof
name from list. (1 to 5)
/ln List saved spoof
/rn Restore current spoof name to original
/cn Display current spoof name.
/ar Toggle auto respoof on/off. (Default on)
/wb Whisper back to last whispered
Other features
- Host identifier for lobby. (Host has red download status)
- Auto refresher for hosted game. (Game is refreshed every 6 seconds)
- Slot unlocker for lobby. (Remove computer player(s). and go them yourself)
- Start a game without any opponents.
- Stay in game even after being defeated.
- Show map download status at all times.
- Save screenshots as bitmap's rather than PCX.
- In-game system and elapsed timers.
- Selection hack with mass select hotkey. (Select upto 252 units)
- Maphack with safe clicks and state hack.
- Name spoofer with temp ip ban protection.
- Ally alert with auto unally/unvision.
- Nuclear missile alert with map ping on nuke attempt. (Not launch)
- Rally point changer hack detection. (Alerts once)
- Ping ghost on 'Nuclear launch detected'.
- In-game message log that holds upto 32 messages.
- Chat logger for channel, lobby and in-game.
- Automatically re-queue units. (Auto queue)
- Automatically re-queue upgrades. (Auto upgrade)
- Automatically create a worker on map begin.
- Automatically mine minerals on map begin and on unit create.
- Automatically mine gas on refinery completion.
- Automatically gain lobby ops. (Host hack)
- Alliance menu player names are in ally status color.
- Color player name notifications. (Pause/Leave/Latency change)
- Lag screen box timer always set to 1 second. (Safe quick drop)
- On-screen map max counter. (Shows at 400 and under)
- On-screen worker idle detection.
- On-screen APM counter.
- Show enemy minimap pings.
- Minimap pings are in player color. (Yellow is unknown/default)
- Build anywhere on most terrain with lights off.
- Remove warning messages. (Unit unplaceable)
- Auto join home channel on battle.net login.
- Sprite crash protection. (Protects against invalid sprites)
- Subunit crash protection.
- Anti-hacker map fix. (Protection against EUD triggers)
- Alert and protection against astat flooding exploit.
- Auto-hide leaderboard when stats hack is on.
- Bypass anti-hack protection when connecting to battle.net.
Name Spoofer Codes
\B Blue.
\G Green.
\L Light Green.
\D Dark Grey. (Later text cannot be changed)
\W White.
\R Red.
\I Invisible/Black.
\T Tab.
\N New line.
\C Center justify.
\V Right justify.
Version 4.0.6b
- Fixed a bug with APM counter.
Version 4.0.6
- Added Shift key feature for when building.
- Added on-screen APM counter.
- Added all players APM counter to stat hack.
- Added stack counter command. ( /s )
- Improved anti-hacker map fix. (Protection against EUD triggers)
- Fixed load command to work with zerg overlord hero.
707 - Helping convert and test.
Palomino - Various source code.
PizzaPan - From Game-Deception for PEB module hiding.
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